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Kathryn Tomasek (Wheaton College, MS): Digital Scholarly Edition of Accounts

Donnerstag, 21.12.2017

Wir freuen uns im Sommersemester 2018 Professor Kathryn Tomasek (Wheaton College, MS) als Gastprofessorin bei uns am Zentrum begrüßen zu dürfen!

Ihre Lehrverantaltung wird sich mit "Digital Scholarly Edition of Accounts" beschäftigen:

Accounts open a particularly evocative window on the lives of people in the past, Whether the people in question were Roman soldiers, Hansa merchants, early modern city leaders, eighteenth-century publishers, nineteenth-century storekeepers, or women responsible for household accounts, they used account books to track their incomes and expenditures. Scholars can mine such accounts to answer diverse questions about the past, producing price lists for economic history, dietary information for social and economic history, and even—if scholarly digital editions are prepared appropriately—comparing information about consumption, credit, property, and exchanges of goods and services across time and space.

In this course, students will receive an introduction to histories of accounting as well as to representations of accounts in both analog and digital forms. Students will choose a set of accounts appropriate in scope to produce a digital scholarly edition over the course of the term. Readings, discussion, and in-class workshops will support the production of these editions as well as a collaboratively written article about the process of digital scholarly edition of accounts.


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